
Does this understanding help you make more informed

- Currently, there are more than 190 countries in the world. Each has a form of government and a corresponding economic system. For example, in the U.S., our form of government is a Representative Republic. Our economic system is free market capitalism. These two powerful forces work together in American society to define the nature and culture of our nation.

In our readings, we examined several forms of government. By examining forms of government, we can gain an insightful perspective on our own government and better understand its strengths and weaknesses.

In the C3P3 Models of Governance Tables document, provide an example (please do not use Nazi Germany) and discuss the form of government in each of the provided seven forms of government. To find appropriate examples of countries, use The World Factbook. Be certain to supply citations for each of the seven forms of government from the assigned reading materials.

After you have completed the tables, reflect upon your examinations. In 300 words discuss how you think the role of the citizen differs in each form of government. Does the model allow for citizen control of governance? What role should citizens have in the form of government and economics of their nation? Be certain to use and cite at least three of the assigned reading articles from this phase and one assigned reading article from a previous phase of this course.

Think about your own role as a citizen. How does contrasting other forms of government against that of the U.S. model of government help us better understand the role of the citizen in governance and economics? Does this understanding help you make more informed decisions in your professional and your nation's political life?

Readings: Models of Governance

Review the following Required Reading Articles:

I, Pencil Leonard W. Reed, 1958, Begin reading on page four of the PDF document. If you would rather listen to the essay download the audio, I, Pencil Audio.

Types of Democracy Saylor

Constitutional Monarchs in Parliamentary Democracies IDEA, 2014

Systems of Government: Parliamentarism and Presidentialism Jose Cheibub

An Important Distinction: Democracy versus Republic Lexrex

Theocracy Nick Megoran, Newcastle University, 2009

The Case for Socialism Bertrand Russell, Digital Text International, 1935

Selections from the Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels, 1848

Democracy and Dictatorship: Key Differences BBC, 2011

OPTIONAL Research Articles:

In search of Libertarians Pew Research Center, 2014

Emerging and Developing Economies Much More Optimistic than Rich Countries about the Future read all three sections. Pew Research Center, 2014

Regional Breakdowns Pew Research Center, 2013

Global Findex The World Bank, 2016. Click on the blue "Access Data" link and use the search boxes on the right to find data for at least two countries, regions, income groups OR topics.

Capitalism, Socialism & Mixed Economy amitkishoresinha , 2011

Greatest Dangers in the World Pew Research Center, 2014

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English: Does this understanding help you make more informed
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