
Does this statistic seem to follow the same trend supported

Prior to completing this discussion, please read chapter 15 in the textbook, read the Shetgiri et. al (2012) article, review the information from chapter 1 about Bronfenbrenner's Ecological theory, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. Your post must be a minimum of 300 words and you must cite all your sources.

Utilize Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory to address the topic of motivations for and influences on bullying.

Using each of the five systems in Bronfenbrenner's theory, identify and describe how a child's environment might pre-dispose him or her to bully.

For example, within a person's microsystem are the parents. How might parents be an influencing factor on whether or not a child is prone to bullying?

Find and report (with proper citation) one current statistic on the factors influencing school bullying behaviors.

Does this statistic seem to follow the same trend supported by Bronfenbrenner's theory? If not, explain how it challenges the theory.
Then, reflect on friendships in childhood and adolescence and address the positive and negative influences that they can have on bullying behaviors.

Finally, utilize problem-solving techniques in exploring developmental issues, grounded in child development, in order to provide one unique solution to reduce or completely end bullying.

Guided Response: Respond to at least two peers. In your responses, consider and comment on the probability and logistics of your classmate's bullying solution.

Provide additional unique insights to either the causes or prevention of bullying behaviors based on information from the textbook or the Shetgiri et. al. (2012) article, and/or ask further questions about their response to encourage them to think of different points-of-view and reflect on their statements in another way.

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Dissertation: Does this statistic seem to follow the same trend supported
Reference No:- TGS02187198

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