Does the writer have a catchy title that is going to impress

Problem 1: Does the writer have a catchy title that is going to impress me? 

Problem 2: Does the writer begin his/her intro. With a hook (an engaging statement, question, quote, etc.) that really draws you (and will draw me) into the paper?

Problem 3: Does the introduction provide enough (but not too much) information to "set the scene" for the important event, place or person he/she is describing in his/her paper?

Problem 4: Can you locate the thesis statement? If you cannot find the thesis, please let the writer know that his/her thesis is not clear.

Problem 5: Is there a clear topic sentence in each body paragraph?  If you do not feel that a paragraph has a topic sentence, please let the writer know.

Problem 6: Does each body paragraph develop only ONE idea?

Problem 7: Is each body paragraph specific enough?  Are there sensory details and figurative language that enable you to "see" what the writer is describing?

Problem 8: Do you clearly see how the point to this paper?  Does the paper focus on how the person/event/place shaped and influenced the writer and not so much just on the person/event/place itself?

Problem 9: Does the essay seem to "drag" or repeat itself at any point?

Problem 10: Does each paragraph blend smoothly into the paragraph that follows it?  If not, tell the writer that "transitions are needed."

Problem 11: Please tell the writer what you believe to be the writer's weakest paragraph in the essay.  Also, please tell the writer why you believe this paragraph to be the weakest.

Problem 12: Does the essay have a logical, thoughtful conclusion that does more than merely restate the thesis and the main points of the essay?  Do you feel a sense of closure?  Is this conclusion going to impress me?

Problem 13: Is the sequence of the essay's paragraphs in a logical order?

Problem 14: Does the writer demonstrate superior control of grammar, sentence variety, and word choice? 

Problem 15: Is the entire essay in proper MLA format?  Is everything double-spaced and in 12 point Times New Roman font?  Does the writer have 1" margins and his/her last name and page number in a header?

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Reference No:- TGS03424850

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