The combined readings including Constructing Race, Creating White Privilege and Melting Pot: Myth or Reality reveals two significant periods defining a whitening of Euro-ethnic whites during 1600's Bacon's Rebellion, and19th century working-class whites.
Does this current time period with the rise of Trump signify a third period of "whiteness" in America within the same working-class whites who have historically benefited from the "psychological wage" of whiteness, yet have never enjoyed the actual privileges of being white?
What does this dichotomous "white" and "not-quite-white" say about race in America?
Does the white-identity status add pressure to all European-ethnics to Anglo-conform and identify as white --thus depriving White Americans of an authentic ethnic identity?
Article :
Chapter 3 : Constructing Race ,Creating White Privilege By Pem Davidson Buck.
Chapter 3 : Socialization And Racism : The White Experience By Rutledge M. Dennis
Chapter 1 : Melting Pot : Myth or Reality ?