Group Discussion viewpoints to consider:
Group member tasks include discussing the following questions in relation to the above paragraphs:
Are standards or guidelines needed to assist companies to meet the information needs of stakeholders in respect of the disclosure of environmental information?
Do environmental impacts, whether quantifiable in monetary terms or not, warrant some form of disclosure to the extent the environmental implications are deemed ‘significant' rather than material within the meaning of accounting standards? (Harus dikasi tau ga dampak lingkungannya, harus signifikan atau ga)
Does the provision of environmental performance information and advising on control aspects of environmental management systems fail within the core skills of accountants?
Are the definitions of ‘assets' and ‘liabilities' in the conceptual framework appropriate to environmental accounting? If not, how should they be expanded?
Is the concept of materiality relevant to environmental reports?
Should general or industry specific approaches be adopted to advance issues associated with environmental performance evaluation, reporting and auditing?
Group members must attempt to provide their own views on each point.