
Does the plot make sense is it easy to follow interesting

As with all written assignments in this course, please be sure that your paper is single-spaced, in 12-point font, and in Times or Times New Roman typeface.

In a single line at the top of your assignment, include: Your Name, A#, CCA 3330-SEC, Assignment Name, Assignment Date. If you have any questions about how to format your paper, please contact the course manager.


Prior to attending the performance (or watching the show online), read a theatre review on the website of one of the following major national newspapers: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, or Washington Post.

You should not look for a review of the exact production you are going to see. Instead, you should look for a review of the same genre of performance. Your goal is to consider the standard way in which professional performances are reviewed.

You should keep this in mind as you attend the theatre performance you have selected for this course and as you prepare to write your own review of it. In the works cited section at the end of your written assignment, you will include the citation for the review you read.

Your task for this assignment is to write a review of the theatrical performance you attended (or viewed online).

With the exception of the performance information you will list at the top of your paper, your paper should be in essay format. There should be no headings or text from the prompts included in your paper.

Your responses must follow the order of the prompts as outlined below, with clear paragraph breaks to show that you have followed the prompts in sequence. Your responses to the separate prompts should NOT be combined into one lengthy paragraph.

While you will not be graded on word count or page length, your responses must include specific detail and thoughtful analysis.

The expected length of a paper that meets rubric requirements is more than 1 page, but no more than 2 pages.

Examine the rubric below to see how your paper will be graded.

Please include the following in a list as shown below. This information should be left-aligned.

Performance Title

Date you attended the performance

Place or location of the performance

Name of the playwright (in this format: John Doe, playwright)

Name of the director (in this format: Jane Doe, director)

Name of the group or company who put on the performance

In essay format, respond to the following prompts. Your responses must follow the order of the prompts. You must include clear paragraph breaks to show when you have finished your response to one prompt and begun responding to the next.

First, give a summary of the plot. This summary should be a brief paragraph.

Second, give a review of the plot or script. Consider: Does the plot make sense? Is it easy to follow? interesting? surprising? too predictable? If you attended the play with other people, you may include their opinions here, especially if they disagree with you. What is the play's message or theme? This section should be a brief paragraph.

Third, briefly discuss the realism of this theatrical production. In the context of what you read in pages 35-42 in Chapter 1 of Edwin Wilson's The Theater Experience, consider the realistic and nonrealistic elements of this performance. Your response must reference this section of Wilson's text with a direct quotation and include correct in-text citation. This section should be a brief paragraph.

Fourth, give a review of the performance. Your review should include the following topics, in the order shown below. This should be the longest portion of your paper, a hearty one or two paragraphs in length. Make it interesting-it should NOT read like a list!

- Performers How were the actors? Did they perform their roles believably? Was there an actor who was particularly good or bad on stage? Be sure to distinguish between actors and characters; a good actor can portray a bad character very well.

- Set How did the set add to or detract from the performance?

- Costumes How were costumes used in this performance? What was their effect?
- Performance space In what sort of space was the play performed? What was its effect?

- Acoustics or music Evaluate the effectiveness of any music used in the performance, and the acoustics of the performance space.

- Fellow audience members How did your fellow audience members act and/or react during the performance?

Fifth, give an overall review and recommendation. End your review with an overall review of the performance. What were its strengths and weaknesses? Would you recommend this performance to others? For which groups of people would this performance be appropriate and enjoyable? This section of your paper should be a very brief paragraph.

Works Cited Close your paper with a works cited section. Your works cited should include a citation for the newspaper review you read at the beginning of the assignment as well as Wilson's text, which you referenced in the third paragraph of your paper. For help formatting your works cited section, see the Guide to Using Sources.

When you submit this assignment, please only include a comment if you have a question or another pertinent message to send to the instructional team.

Do not include redundant information in the comments box, such as your name, A#, or file name. Each comment sends an email to the instructional team; entering redundant information clogs the system and delays our ability to respond to students who actually need help.

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