
Does the paper give examples of what is and what is not

Assignment 4: Agency & Employment

Prepare a three to four-page paper based upon your research and what you have learned in the Discussion Threads concerning agency and employment. Perform some independent research on this important topic that will affect you and your family for all of their working lives. You are to demonstrate an appreciation for, and basic understanding of, unfair employment practices for U.S. businesses. It would be interesting if you could tie what you learned about agency and employment with your own career or with the career of someone you are close to. You are encouraged to tell a short but true story of how Agency and Employment has affected your lives. You must use and cite the text book and Course Documents found in the Weeks 4 and 5 Folders in Blackboard.


• Have you clearly defined agency and employment?
• Is your introduction interesting?
• Do you explain the story you are going to tell?


Does the paper clearly explain how agency applies to the law?

• Does the paper give examples of what is and what is not employment?
• Do you have three to five main points of analysis?

o For example explain three concepts of either agency or employment, like, independent contractor and/or employee-employer.

• Does each of the main points have a citation back to the text book and three other sources with a page number and a direct short quote (ten words or less)?

• Have you cited documents from your own research?

Process, Punctuation and Grammar

• Are all of the words spelled correctly?
• Are the correct words used?
• Is the wording smooth to read?
• Is proper grammar used?
• Does the paper follow APA Guidelines?
• Is the paper interesting?


• Is the conclusion clear?
• Does it connect with the Introduction?
• Does it contain no new information?
• Is it clever and/or interesting?

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Business Management: Does the paper give examples of what is and what is not
Reference No:- TGS02392080

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