
Does the managers failure to acknowledge the contributions


Imagine you are attending a staff meeting at which one of your colleagues, a manager of another department, is giving a presentation. His name is on the first slide of the presentation, and he regularly mentions the research he did to prepare for, and the work he put into, completing this presentation. You had previously managed his department before moving to your current position, so you know many of his staff well. You are aware that they have been putting in long hours working on this project and preparing the presentation, yet they are not credited on any of the written material nor mentioned by the manager.

Respond to the following questions

Does the manager's failure to acknowledge the contributions of his staff constitute an ethical violation? Why or why not?

Would the answer to this question differ in different cultures or contexts?

350 words required. Please add citations and references page number for each citation in the paragraph. Prepare answer from your thoughts.

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HR Management: Does the managers failure to acknowledge the contributions
Reference No:- TGS01814851

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