
Does the law currently support or hinder such practices

Assignment task: How do law and law enforcement intersect within the scope of keeping ships and ports safe? Compare and contrast the maritime legal precepts associated with the attacks on the USS Cole, the USS Bonhomme Richard, the cyberattack on the Port of Houston, and the alleged Russian attacks on merchant marine ships during its 2022 invasion of Ukraine. What were the underlying related facts, procedures, and/or legal guidance involved in each of these incidents? How did jurisdiction apply to each? To the extent that the U.S. was directly involved, did it make a difference as to whether the U.S. was in the role of the flag state or the coastal state? If so, why? Can the benefits of using hindsight be used to inform future maritime legal or law enforcement practices? For example (and based only on unclassified data), how was a full hack prevented in Houston and what can be done in the future to prevent this kind of risk from being realized? How are data sharing practices limiting responses by other organizations? Does the law currently support or hinder such practices? If it hinders, what should be done about that so that law and security work

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Other Subject: Does the law currently support or hinder such practices
Reference No:- TGS03305288

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