
Does the governments vaccination plan violate any section


Entering the fall of 2022 and the BC governments has determined that it is time to take action that may finally end the seemingly endless COVID-19 pandemic. While realistic about not being able to halt the spread of the virus, the government is determined to mitigate the impact of rising case numbers on the healthcare system by reducing the number of patients who end up in hospital needing acute care. The government says the science is clear (and it is the overwhelming scientific consensus): people who are unvaccinated make up a disproportionately large number of people admitted to hospital with the virus, and vaccinations dramatically reduce the risk of hospitalization. Consequently, the provincial government is ready to take a dramatic step: mandatory vaccinations. Under the government's plan, all British Columbians must get vaccinated in the coming months. This means that those who have already received two doses will be required to get a third "booster" dose in the fall. Those who have not had any doses at all will be required, by law, to get fully vaccinated (meaning they would have to get three doses over a medically appropriate period). The government is prepared to impose fines and even possibly

• Does the government's vaccination plan violate any section of the Charter of Rights?

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Reference No:- TGS03285217

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