Project description:
Ang Lee life of pie “Eat Drink Man Woman” etc… You may choose any films directed by Ang Lee that you feel comfortable with.
Choose 2-4 of the directors films as a way of grounding your argument in the specific film texts he or she created. The argument you make should emerge in relation to the specific films you choose, and might include (but is not limited to) the following considerations:
Aesthetic or stylistic elements that are consistent across the work, either used for similar purposes or that demonstrates a development of some kind across the films in question
Historical issues related to the work (e.g., films coming out of experience with war or exile or apolitical movement)
Theoretical issues related to the work (e.g., feminist approaches, auteur studies, etc.)
Genre issues: does the filmmaker work in specific genres, across genres, outside of the concerns of genre? How are his or her films shaped by (or how do they shape) specific genres?
Under no circumstances should your argument be an assessment/evaluation of the work in question. In other words, you should not concern yourself with whether it is good or bad work. I assume that you rchoice of directors indicates your sense that the work is valuable enough to think about further, so there is no need to establish that worth in your paper. Let me be very clear: this should not be a review or critique of the work; focus on analysis and/or the larger concerns that arise through that analysis.
If you have an idea for how you wish to approach this paper that strays from the above considerations,please feel free to check with me about it.
You must use a minimum of 3 outside sources for your paper, and at least 2 must be print sources (not online sources, though you can access the print sources that way [for example, through JSTOR or another online database of print material]). Document your sources in the paper and include a bibliography. Include primary sources on your bibliography page, but do not count them toward the secondary source requirement (minimum of 3).
Life of Pie