
Does the distance between interference maxima increase

Double Slit Interference:

1. Does the distance between interference maxima increase, descrease or stay the same when the slit seperation is increased? Explain with reference to your data and theory?

data set 1: slit seperation=0.25mm D=96.7cm slit width=0.04mm distance for left max=11.372cm(m=1) right mx=11.841cm vs. left max=11.103cm and right max=12.104cm (m=2)

data set 2: slit seperation=0.50mm D96.7cm slit width=0.04mm distance for left max=11.532cm(m=1) and right max=11.781cm vs left max=11.411cm and right max=11.910cm (m=2)

2. Does the distance between interference maxima increase, decrease or stay the same when the slit width is increased? Explain with reference to your data and your understanding of the theory?

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Physics: Does the distance between interference maxima increase
Reference No:- TGS01349201

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