
Does the description state the need from the customers

You Be the CEO Paper

In this assignment, you play the role of the CEO of a recycling company. Your team brings you a marketing plan they would like to implement. Their plan requires an investment and promises success. (See the Marketing Plan for Blue Star Recyclers below.)

Marketing Plan for Blue Star Recyclers

Utilize information from the text, Elements of a Strong Marketing Plan from the FTE material, and other course material to assess each section of the plan to determine if it is worth the stated investment. Review each section of the plan using some of the guideline questions shown below.

Note these questions are not intended to be answered in a yes or no fashion. They are offered to help you consider and then explain whether the material in the plan is important. Identify information that is missing, incomplete, or needs additional data to be effective.

Your analysis should also include assessment and explanation for the following:

1. Customer Need - does the description state the need from the customer's point of view or does it describe a product?

2. Customer Analysis - Are the description and definition clear? Are buyer motivations clearly described? Can you estimate how many customers fit the target market description and confirm the need exists? Why or why not?

3. Market Analysis - Does the market analysis demonstrate external trends that might influence the ability to meet customer needs?

Does the internal analysis show company capabilities in meeting customer needs?

4. Objectives - Are specific objectives stated in the context of meeting the needs of the target market or are they general company objectives. Explain.

5. Product - are the product attributes and brand fully aligned with customer needs?

6. Place - Is the location or distribution channel consistent with Product type and customer needs?

7. Price - Are price objectives and policies consistent with Product attributes, distribution channels and customer needs?

8. Promotion - Are the promotion tactics clearly described and aligned with the marketing mix and customer needs? Are costs and results stated quantitatively?

9. Tracking and Controls - Are systems established to track plan results and are those plans aligned with the resources of the company?

10. Financial Results - Are projected financial results consistent with information shown in the rest of the marketing plan and do they deliver results expected by the organization?

At the conclusion of the analysis, explain why you would or would not approve implementation of this plan. Compile your assessment in a 5-10 page paper and submit as directed by your facilitator. Include citations and reference material to support your assessment.

Attachment:- week_8_marketing_plan.rar

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Marketing Research: Does the description state the need from the customers
Reference No:- TGS02221949

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