
Does the court in sues state have jurisdiction over tipton


(Please select one.)

1. A county court in Illinois is deciding a case involving an issue that has never been addressed before in that state's courts. The Iowa Supreme Court, however, recently decided a case involving a very similar fact pattern. Is the Illinois court obligated to follow the Iowa Supreme Court's decision on the issue? If the United States Supreme Court has decided a similar case, would that decision be binding on the Illinois court?

2. Sue uses her smartphone to purchase a video security system for her architectural firm from Tipton, Inc., a company that is located in a different state. The system arrives a month after the projected delivery date, is of poor quality, and does not function as advertised. Sue files a suit against Tipton in a state court. Does the court in Sue's state have jurisdiction over Tipton? What factors will the court consider?

3. Techplate Corporation learns that a federal administrative agency is considering a rule that will have a negative impact on the firm's ability to do business. Does the firm have any opportunity to express its opinion about the pending rule? Explain.

4. Dana takes her roommate's credit card without permission, intending to charge expenses that she incurs on a vacation. Her first stop is a gas station, where she uses the card to pay for gas. With respect to the gas station, has she committed a crime? If so, what is it?

5. Joli receives a letter from Kerin saying that he has a book at a certain price. Joli signs and returns the letter to Kerin. When Kerin delivers the book, Joli sends it back, claiming that they do not have a contract. Kerin claims they do. What standards determine whether these
parties have a contract?

6. Dyna tells Ed that she will pay him $1,000 to set fire to her store so that she can under a fire insurance policy. Ed sets fire to the store, but Dyna refuses to pay. Can Ed recover? Why or why not?

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Operation Management: Does the court in sues state have jurisdiction over tipton
Reference No:- TGS02696402

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