
Does the company use more or less debt is the companys use

For the company General Electric, complete a financial statement analysis of the company using the information from Yahoo Finance and Reuters. Be sure to discuss significant changes in the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows. Compare the financial ratios for the firm over time and also compare the company’s most recent ratios to the industry averages/medians. (Use at least two ratios from each of the categories: liquidity, asset management, debt, and profitability. Interpret how the company’s ratios compare to those of the industry average. This requires answering the following questions. Is the company more or less liquid? Does the company use more or less debt? Is the company’s use of assets more or less efficient than the industry? Industry data is available on Reuters and Yahoo Finance. Is the company more or less profitable than the industry?) (Readily available ratios: Current ratio, quick ratio, inventory turnover, total asset turnover, days sales outstanding, debt ratio, times interest earned (or interest coverage), net profit margin, return on assets, and return on equity.)

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Financial Management: Does the company use more or less debt is the companys use
Reference No:- TGS02697813

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