
Does the company have ethics related training programs for

1. Evaluate the ethical practices and social responsibility programs of a publicly-held corporation (selected by the student) and develop a fact-based conclusion as to how ethical and socially responsible the selected company is.

2. Conduct research on the internet and other sources to reach your conclusion. Be sure to cite sources of information in your paper. It is ok to use the information produced by the company but don't base your conclusions only on what the company has to say about themselves for obvious reasons.

3. Include a 1-page bibliography of all the resources you used including specific websites.

4. It is ok to use historical events (over 10 years old) to the extent these events are relevant to the company's current practices and programs.

5. The paper should be 3-5 pages in length (including bibliography). It should be double spaced, font site 12, with 1" margins. It should be done in Word (or something else I can open) and attached to an Angel e-mail sent to me by the due date noted in the course calendar. 6. Some criteria to consider in your evaluation (intended to help but not guide your research efforts):

¦ Does the company have ethics related training programs for its employees?

¦ Are employees required to formally accept responsibility (sign) for their ethical behavior?

¦ Are there relatively recent (within the past 10 years or further if relevant) examples of the company's ethical behavior?

¦ Does the company have programs through which they attempt to help address social issues?

¦ What are the social issues that are important to this company?

¦ Do they make financial contributions to address these issues?

¦ If so, how much do they spend of their annual revenue on charitable contributions?

¦ Any other criteria you think is important to help you reach your conclusion.

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HR Management: Does the company have ethics related training programs for
Reference No:- TGS01181188

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