
Does the color in which words are printed affect your

Question: Does the color in which words are printed affect your ability to read them? Do the words themselves affect your ability to name the color in which they are printed? Mr. Starnes designed a study to investigate these questions using the 16 students in his AP® Statistics class as subjects. Each student performed two tasks in a random order while a partner timed: (1) read 32 words aloud as quickly as possible, and (2) say the color in which each of 32 words is printed as quickly as possible. Try both tasks for yourself using the word list below.


Color words (1.3) Do the data provide evidence of a difference in the average time required to perform the two tasks? Include an appropriate graph and numerical summaries in your answer.

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Physics: Does the color in which words are printed affect your
Reference No:- TGS02565312

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