
Does the briefing paper clearly identify the most important


For environmental public health professionals, it is crucial to be able to succinctly, clearly and effectively explain why an issue is important and needs attention. You must be able to explain why, with all of the competing priorities, THIS issue should have time, personnel and resources devoted to it.

For this briefing paper assignment, you will have an opportunity to practice this essential skill. Your assignment is to:

1. Review all of the topics and issues covered in the course to-date,

The topics are:

• Air Quality, Air Pollution and Health.
• Radiation and Public Health.
• Ticks and tickborne disease, other pests.
• Food, Food Safety and Foodborne Illness.
• Antibiotic Resistance.
• Climate, Health and Community Resilience.
• Sea-Level Rise and Public Health.
• Lead Poisoning and Children.

2. Choose the ONE issue that you think is the MOST important, and

3. Write a two-page paper that carefully and convincingly explains why the issue you have chosen is the single most important environmental health issue in the course and why it deserves to have time, personnel and resources devoted to it.

Your paper should have no more than two pages of text (double-spaced, 12 point type). However, you may put your name and the title of your briefing paper on a separate cover sheet. You may also include a separate sheet at the end with any references cited (six references)

Among the factors that will be considered in evaluating the papers are the following:

• Does the briefing paper clearly identify the most important issue?
• Does the paper effectively explain why this is the most important issue and defend that position with facts?
• Does the paper demonstrate good organization? Is the paper written well?
• Does the paper demonstrate creativity and your own thinking?

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Dissertation: Does the briefing paper clearly identify the most important
Reference No:- TGS02704626

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