Each person will writ a review of a nontraditional or alternative type drug product (e.g a herbal product, a homeopathic product, melatonin, DHEA etc) for a specific indication. You may also choose vitamin product or mainstream drug with an alternative or non-approved claim.
1) Find 3 different web sites about the product and its claim. Try to locate different sites e.g from a mainstream government or nonprofit site, a commercial site, a site posted by a non-affiliated individual etc. DO NOT USE A MEDLINE ABSTRACT OR A JOURNAL ARTICLE THAT IS PUBLISHED ON THE WEB. Answer the following questions in a tabular format to compare the information from all the 3 websites:
- Who mounted the information? What is their affiliation?
-Does the author have some authority or special knowledge?
-Does the sites appear to be biased or have a special slant?
-Are the claims supported by balanced evidence? Are references given?
-does it attempt to support, not replace, a doctor-patient relationship?
-does it adhere to the HONcode principle (or similar code) for internet health information?
- when the sites were last updated
Then summarize what each site says about the product efficacy.