
Does the assignment apply to multiple areas of



For this discussion, I have decided to look at the content area of science. I personally believe that a person doesn't have to be a scientist to be able to teach science; therefore, a person doesn't have to know everything to teach science.

With the internet so readily available through the use of tablets, smartphones, and computers, it does not make sense that we wouldn't use those items as a resource; however, it is our job as educators to teach children in a way that they will want to explore a topic and learn the answers for themselves, so that in the future that can use what they have learned to be able to learn something else.

An example of science in a k-3 grade classroom is teaching about the water cycle. As a teacher, I would want to study up on the water cycle before I would teach it to my students--I would want to know how to explain the water cycle and have a plan of how I can teach it to all of my students.

The goal of this activity is for the children to be asking myself and their peers thought-provoking questions and wanting to experiment to find the answer. Also, I believe that it is important that children can ask questions provide answers without feeling that it's a "stupid" question or answer. Teachers need to create a safe-space for children to feel comfortable and confident, so that they can get the most from the lesson.

As a teacher, I would use the standards and objects as guidelines and goals for what I want the children to achieve from the lesson; however, the the way in which I teach the content would be solely based on understanding how my students learn.

When teaching science, a teacher should be providing a space for children to obtain other developmental skills; for example, mathematics, the arts, literacy, language, physical, and cognitive skills.

These ties in to Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences. According to Driscoll & Nagel (2008), Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences "draws from each developmental domain and proposes there are at least eight separate human capacities that compose the plurality of intellect (Checkley, 1997)" (87). It's important to note that these are intelligences, not learning styles.

Therefore, a person is born with one (or two) of these intelligences. The intelligences are: Linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist.

If I were to create a lesson based off the water cycle, my personal in-class assessment would be to consider the following:

Are they activity participating in the activity? If no, what could I do differently?

How is the student showing me what they have learned?

Through language? (Did they write it down or explain it verbally?)

Through experimentation? (Did show me how they did the experiment?)

Through art? (Did they draw me a picture of it?)

Through movement? (Did they act it out?)

Through music? (Did they write a song about it?)

Through leadership? (Did they help lead the group?

Through emotional expression? (Did they write a poem about it?)


Early Childhood educators have the responsibility of sharing their knowledge with their students in a way that is beneficial to the children's development. While not every teacher is going to be an expert at every subject, it is important that they strive to increase their knowledge in order to create meaningful curriculum for their students.

A content area that I am passionate about is creative arts. While the arts do not take precedent in many schools, I firmly believe that they have worth and can benefit other content areas. One way children learn is through hands on exploration.

Having students work together to put on a play can be a method of having children touch multiple disciplines and various intelligences they possess.

The narrative of the play can cover a concept from another content area such as the plot of a book for literacy, how plants grow for science, a reenactment of an event for history, the options are numerous.

Children can exercise their artistic abilities through set and costume design, work on their spatial ability through staging, kinesthetics can be addressed through dance, linguistics through line recitation, interpersonal skills through interacting with each other, etc.

In order to access whether my creative arts plan was working I would address the following:

-Is the task I am asking my students to preform developmentally appropriate for their age group?

-Does the assignment apply to multiple areas of intelligences (logic, linguistic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and naturalistic)?

- Are several interdisciplinary skills addressed (literacy, mathematics, science, music, arts, etc.)?

-Am I knowledgeable enough on the subject to instruct my students?

- Can I adequately address the questions my students may have?

Answer this question and it should be similiar to those student respond

Application of Guidelines

Using the information from the NAEYC Standards document, specifically Standard 5: Understanding Content Knowledge in Early Education, choose one content area and explain how you would apply these guidelines to a K-3 classroom.

Create an in-class assessment that would use these guidelines while also addressing the individual learning styles and intelligence of young children.

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Dissertation: Does the assignment apply to multiple areas of
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