
Does the article fill a void within the literature that

Article Critique Essay  - The Police Manager 5th Edition Ronald G Lynch

Guide to Researched Article Critiques

A simple guide to writing an article review, which is also referred to as an article critique.

The first paragraph is the introduction to the article critique. It should provide a summary of the article highlights. The summary should discuss the most important details.

Following the brief summary of the article, you will need to explain why the article is significant. Questions you should consider when writing these paragraphs include:

- Does the article fill a void within the literature that already exists on the topic?

- Does the article contain information that is new and be considered as an informational "breakthrough"?

- Will the information within the article be instrumental in the field to change other people and their ideas about the subject or does it revisit information in the field?

In the first paragraphs, you will need to present your personal evaluation of the article, including the following:

- Is the article well written and clear?

- Do you agree or disagree with the article findings, and why?

- Consider whether or not information was missing and should have been included. Include your observations and opinions of what is needed.

- Focus on telling what the article was about. Your review should reflect your personal opinions as well as how it affects you or the field in which it was written.

In the body of your paper, you review the article. The objective of this paper / article is to review the article.

A conclusion concludes the essay, reviews key strengths and weaknesses of the article, looks at possible policy implications of the article, and includes your own thoughts and insights.

Share your opinions and experience. This will always enlarge on your presentation and demonstrate learning and understanding of the subject as it relates to real-world situations.

Cite your references. Preferably, include a copy of the original article, or the link to the article.

Edit your article critiques. Particular attention must be given to spelling, grammar and overall writing skills. Make note of any spelling and grammatical errors while reading the critique. Take a break and then read your critique once more to verify no errors are remaining.

Guidelines and Procedures to include when you are required to Research and Critique Articles for the course(s) you are completing
- In your own words, write a (solid) summary of the article.
- Thoroughly explain the important areas discussed in the article. Highlight key points and then provide comments on these areas.
- Advise if you agree or disagree with the article findings. Explain why you agree or disagree. Consider you may have a very good article; however, you do not necessarily have to agree.
- Explain what you have learned from the article and why you selected the article. Also include what you feel may be missing, lacking or needed to provide better learning and understanding of the article. Including personal experiences and other information will enhance the learning.
- Follow the guidelines in the Rubric to ensure that you meet the criteria to receive the needed points to earn an excellent grade.
- A quality critique should be minimum, three (3) to four (4) pages, more if you have an extensive article.
- Double space your work. Depending upon the circumstances, and with approval, legible well-spaced handwritten material will be accepted.
- Cite your references and provide a Bibliography.
- Preferably, include a copy of the original article, or the link to the article.

When submitting your article critique(s), include a cover page with your name, mailing and e-mail addresses, phone number, student identification number, and degree program. Include the course title, course number, article number and the title of the basic text.

Your article critique should be well written and demonstrate proper English including punctuation and spelling. Include your Bibliography at the end of the article, paper and/or project.

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Operation Management: Does the article fill a void within the literature that
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