Julie Powers collects overdue accounts for a large credit card company. She has access to records of all transactions for any customer. Julie sometimes looks up the records of famous people. She checks to see where they use their credit cards and how much money they spend. She sometimes tells her friends about the buying habits of entertainers and politicians.
A. Is the action illegal? Why/Why not? Provide 2 research url of reliable sources to support your answer. These must be direct links to the specific articles you have used, not just the website on its own.
B. Does the action violate company or professional standards? Why/Why not?
C. Who is affected, and how (positive effect/negative effect), by the action?
Based on the above analysis, the Julie's actions were: ¨ ethical ¨unethical.
A. Through social media, information shared by Julie is made public, and now you are facing, as her employer, multiple lawsuits, bad social media campaigns and your company stock has taken a nose dive: what actions would you take:
a. With Julie as employee? Why?
b. With other employees to prevent future occurrences? Why?
c. With the social media bashing? Why?
d. With the parties that are suing you? Why?
After watching the YouTube video "Utilitarianism: Crash Course Philosophy #36", make a choice on act utilitarianism or rule utilitarianism to address the questions and explain how that applies to your answer:
1) Should Batman kill or not the Joker? List utilitarian reasons to justify your choice.
2) Then, create one utilitarian statement that Julie could have used to justify her decision to share customer data with others outside of the company. Refer to the reasoning of utilitarianism mentioned in the video.