
Does storytelling reduce stigma

QUESTION: Peer review the five sources/Citation below: They are supposed to be in MLA format. Look at each of the source/citation and write down what is wrong with it. If there is something wrong with it, then write down what needs to be done to get a correct MLA style citation. Finally, if there is nothing wrong with a particular citation, state "Nothing wrong" and move on to the next one. 

"Jie Zhuang & Ashley Guidry. (2022) Does Storytelling Reduce Stigma? A Meta-Analytic View of Narrative Persuasion on Stigma Reduction. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 44:1, pages 25-37."

"Kristina Medero & Shelly Hovick. (2023) Narratives and Mental Illness: Understanding the Factors That Impact Stigmatizing Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions. Journal of Health Communication 28:11, pages 768-776."

"Marlene Hecht, Andrea Kloß & Anne Bartsch. (2022) Stopping the Stigma. How Empathy and Reflectiveness Can Help Reduce Mental Health Stigma. Media Psychology 25:3, pages 367-386."

"Roma Subramanian & Jonathan B. Santo. (2021) Reducing mental illness stigma: What types of images are most effective?. Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine 44:2, pages 52-61."

"Jessica Gall Myrick & Rachelle L. Pavelko. (2017) Examining Differences in Audience Recall and Reaction Between Mediated Portrayals of Mental Illness as Trivializing Versus Stigmatizing. Journal of Health Communication 22:11, pages 876-884."

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