
Does stereotyping persist


Note: This list is NOT all inclusive of things you might be tested on, but is reflective of the main ideas discuss.The best way to study is to generate a one or two word sentence definition of each term and an example in your own words.

Methods of Stereotyping Research: general theorists, cultural studies/critical studies, qualitative social scientists, quantitative social scientists, hegemony, counter-hegemony, polysemic, dominant ideology, components of the scientific process (e.g., empirical systematic etc.), the role of theories in science, variables, goals of science (e.g., prediction, explanation etc.), components of theory (i.e. hypothesis, logical, deterministic, general, parsimonious, specific, empirically verifiable, intersubjective, open to modification), survey, content analysis, experiment, field (participant) observations, focus groups, intensive interviews

Ethnic Notions/Cosby Show: origin and use of stereotypes, mammy, coon, pickanniny, brute, sapphire, uncle tom, minstrel, sambo, brute, sapphire, White views of Cosby, Black views of Cosby, enlightened racism, middle class Black views of Cosby

Whiteness and racism: Does stereotyping persist?/White Like Me: Native American stereotypes, Latino stereotypes, Asians, definition of whiteness, social manifestation of whiteness, how people of color have all suffered from the possessive investment in whiteness, invisibility of whiteness; hegemony, counter-hegemony, polysemic, dominant ideology

The inevitability of Stereotyping: definition of race; definition of stereotypes, prejudice, and racism; function of schemas (encoding, memory, interpretation), dissociation model, chronic activation, automatic activation, cognitive resources (low/high cognitive load), prototypes vs. exemplars, drip vs. drench, role of television in dissolving stereotypes, goodness of fit principle, role of attitudes in limiting the effects of racial stereotyping in the mass media, relationship between race and priming, stereotype, prejudice, and racism, schema, prototype, person schemas, self-schemas, role schemas, event schemas, categorizing and labeling, outgroup homogeneity, outgroup polarization effect, cognitive neoassociationistic approach, priming effects, associative networks, spreading activation,

Media and Race-The Big Picture: four stages of portrayals, stage of portrayal and dominant portrayals of Blacks, Latinos, definition of stereotypes (encoding, memory, interpretation), the role of TV in creating stereotype, priming, cultivation, racial differences in consumption of TV, racial difference in perceptions of the veracity of TV programming, stereotypes of various groups (women, men, college students, Arabs/Arab Americans, Gays and Lesbians, older adults, physically disabled)

A typology for understanding entertainment images: goals of Givens study, sample/methods of Givens study, major findings of Givens study, major findings of classic Mastro study, major goal of Primetime in Black and White study, major findings of Primetime in Black and White study, major goal of Children Now study, major findings of Children Now study; Early imagery of African Americans on television, Black cultural invisibility, 1970's response to Black authenticity, The "Cosby" moment, assimilation and discourse of invisibility, pluralist or separate but equal discourse, multiculturalism/diversity discourse

Reality and Fantasy: goals of Harwood and Anderson study, sample/methods of Harwood and Anderson study, major findings of Harwood and Anderson study, goals of updated Mastro & Behm-Morawitz study, sample/methods of updated Mastro & Behm-Morawitz study, major findings of updated Mastro & Behm- Morawitz study, goals of Oliver study, sample/methods of Oliver study, major findings of Oliver study,
methodological innovation of Oliver study, Videogame study goals, Videogame major findings, Relationship between old imagery and new genre of reality programming.

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