
Does ritzers statement overall apply to you or not are the


This is the first of four journal entries that you are required to complete as part of this course.


In Chapter 2, George Ritzer explains that fast-food chains have become so popular because they fit with our contemporary lifestyle. In this journal entry, you are going to examine whether this statement fits your own life.

You should answer the questions below to structure your essay.

• First, think about your own use of fast-food chains (such as McDonald's, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc.).

o How often do you use them, and how (dinein, carry out, drive through, etc.)?

• Then, look at the elements of the changing society that Ritzer describes in Chapter 2 when he examines the relationship between McDonaldization and social change in American society (there is a section in the chapter that covers this topic. We are NOT referring to the dimensions of McDonaldization).

o Which ones of those can you apply to your situation? In other words, in what ways do you see your own life reflecting the changes Ritzer describes?

o Which ones do not fit? Give specific examples from your life to answer these questions.

• At the end, based on your description of how you use fast-food restaurants and how your life has been affected by social changes in American society, decide the following:

o Does Ritzer's statement, overall, apply to you, or not .
o Are the reasons he gives for people using fastfood chains the same as your reasons?

Important Reminders:

• Your journal entry is worth 10% of your final grade.
• It should be 3 pages long using a 12-point size font, double- spaced.
• You should use a header with your name, the date, the course number, and "Journal Entry 2" on the first page (NO title page).
• You should cite and reference your textbook properly in a standard formatting style, such as ASA, APA, or MLA.
• The first two pages should be your essay, and the third page should be your reference list.

Please consult the library resources listed in your syllabus and in your course menu to make sure you are formatting your source correctly.

MODULE ASSIGNMENT Journal Entry: Educational Experiences

This is the second of four journal entries that you are required to complete as part of this course.


In Chapter 3, Ritzer describes how higher education is striving for greater efficiency and is becoming what he terms a McUniversity.

Think about your own educational experience, and the choices you have made when it comes to education.

Drawing on Ritzer's description of the McUniversityin particular, this assignment requires you to do the following:

• Analyze your experience looking at those elements that fit with a search for greater efficiency, and those that do not.
• Overall, would you say that your education experience is efficient, or not? How so?

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Dissertation: Does ritzers statement overall apply to you or not are the
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