Examine your school or agency's mission statement to complete the following assignment. Place your mission statement of the top of a one page summary which includes the following:
• Does your mission statement promote the integration of technology?
o What does this mission statement communicate to the staff (instructional and non-instructional) , parents, students, and school community about the use of technology and its applications?
o Identify aspects, phrases, and wording that indicate the school mission statement can act as a foundation for technology integration.
• If the mission statement does not communicate or promote the use of technology, propose a new mission statement that does.
• If the mission statement does communicate or promote the use of technology, support your findings.
• Justify your position.
The following are writing expectations for your submission:
• One Page
• 12 pt. Times New Roman Font
• Error Free
• 3rd Person
• No opinions
Please submit your answers in the corresponding assignment by uploading a word document. Please do not use the HTML writer to submit your assignment.