
Does it show that you possess the skills and knowledge to

Student Presentation Committee - Proposals

A student presentation committee consists of students who volunteer to select 20-30 students from the history class to schedule their presentation schedules.

Their task, instead of writing a history course research projects, they will be working with the instructors, and will be to choose the presenters and organize the two presentation schedules. This work will take the place of their research project (yet will require a short essay discussing the process).


If you are accepted to be on the Student Presentation Committee please submit your Information Literacy proposal here. Your proposal should include:

1) A formal title that describes the work (not just "History Proposal"),

2) Your Name, Course Number,

3) A brief statement of your interest in serving on this committee (100-150 words), and

4) At least two scholarly essays or book chapters on information literacy and how you think they will help you evaluate the student project abstracts. Does it show that you possess the skills and knowledge to access, evaluate and use information effectively, competently, and creatively?

Provide citations for these (***not URLS) in this or a similar format: Author, Title (publisher), date, page numbers (for articles). Here is a brief and useful webpage: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html

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Dissertation: Does it show that you possess the skills and knowledge to
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