
Does economic development lead to democratization analyze

Does economic development lead to democratization? Analyze this relationship using the variables democ regime (a measure of democracy) and gdp cap2 (a measure of countries' levels of economic development) in the "world" data set.

• Hint 1: Insert the following commands to your R code file (these must be executed after loading the data set and before doing any analyses). The commands below are also shown at the bottom of the gv900-week8-YOURNAME.R. It might be better if you copy and paste from the R code file, not from this PDF file.

world.data $ gdp cap2[world.data $ gdp cap2 == ""] <- NA
world.data $ gdp cap2 <- factor(world.data $ gdp cap2, level = c("Low",
"High"), ordered = TRUE)

• Hint 2: Ignore "Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction" in the output. Just focus on "Pearson's Chi-squared test "

2. Do democratic institutions lead to economic development? Analyze this relationship using the variables democ regime and gdp 10 thou (a measure of countries' levels of economic development) in the "world" data set.

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Basic Computer Science: Does economic development lead to democratization analyze
Reference No:- TGS01245554

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