
Does each paragraph include a topic sentence what are your

ASSIGNMENT- Writing Activity: Rough Draft


You have already developed your Working Thesis Statement, Outline, and Starting Draft. You've also received helpful feedback from your instructor. Now it's time to create your Rough Draft in a new Word document. To do this, you will use the ques- tions in each section below to fill in any missing information. You'll also incorporate the feedback you received from your instructor.

Your Word document should include two sections: 1.) Rough Draft and 2.) Feedback Reflection. It's exciting to see how far your essay has come in just a few short weeks!

Section 1

Rough Draft

Introduction Paragraph(s)

Did you grab the reader's attention? (For example, by using statistics, a personal story, a compelling statement, a question, etc.)

Is your thesis statement well-constructed?

Does it tell the reader what your essay is about? Does it communicate your position?

Is it one or two sentences long?

Did you provide enough background information to help your audience under stand the subject matter and your position?

Did you define key terms for your audience?

Body Paragraphs

Does each paragraph include a topic sentence? What are your main supporting points?

What questions might the reader have that you should address?

What transitions do you use to move from one idea to the next, and from one paragraph to the next?

How do you use the three audience appeals?

Logic: Do you persuade your audience that your position is logical and reasonable? Do you include facts and sources to back up your claims? Credibility: Do you persuade your audience that you are credible and trustworthy by using the appropriate point of view, voice, tone, examples, and credible sources? Are your points ethical and honest? Emotion: Do you appeal to the emotions of your audience by framing your position as a problem they can relate to or with which they can sympathize?

Counter Perspective(s)

It is important to address counter perspective(s) in your essay. Use the following criteria and select one to three counter perspectives to help strengthen your position:

Is there evidence to support the counter perspective? Does the evidence include fallacies (flaws in reasoning)? If so, identify and explain.

Does the counter perspective leave out an important point? If so, you should point this out.

Is there more recent or credible evidence to support your perspective?

Conclusion Paragraph(s)

Do you paraphrase or restate your thesis in a new way? Do you summarize your main points?
Do you state any future research possibilities, if applicable?
Do you leave a lasting impression? How will you get your audience to continue thinking about your topic and/or take action?

Editing and References

Did you run your Word document through Grammarly and fix the errors? Did you follow APA guidelines?

Cover page, page numbers, double-spaced, 1" margins, headers, indented paragraphs, and 12-point Times New Roman font.

In-Text Citations

Do you have 4-6 credible sources?

Have you used APA in-text citations to document your sources? (Author's last name, date.) For example: (Wielding, 2017).

Do you have a References page?

List all references in alphabetical order with hanging indent(s). Include major identifying information for each reference.

Apply a consistent and APA-style flow of information. (Author's last name, first initial. Title, etc.) For example: Goldberg, N. (1986). Writing down the bones: Freeing the writer within. Boston, MA: Shambhala.

Section 2

Feedback Re?ection

List the feedback you received from your instructor on your Writing Activity 2: Working Thesis Statement, Outline, & Starting Draft.

Explain how you used the feedback to improve your draft. Describe how this feedback will help you with future writing.

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