Case Study and Written Assignment: Ocean Spray Cranberries: Environmental Risk Management
(Harvard Business Case)
- Does concern for the environment affect the economics of Ocean Spray's business?If so, how?Is management attentive to environmental issues?
- Evaluate the way Ocean Spray manages the growers.Do you think Ocean Spray should assert more control over growers? Is that possible?
- Should Ocean Spray be more pro-active in the debate of the Clean Water Act?Does public action create reputational risk for Ocean Spray? If so, how would you best approach the issue?
- Discuss briefly the pros and cons concerning the use of wetland areas for cranberry bogs.Are current approaches well-balanced?
- With respect to reputational risk, does Ocean Spray's existing environmental management program present Ocean Spray in a positive manner?Is Ocean Spray doing enough?What is the best way to make sure that both politicians and the public know and understand the problems confronting Ocean Spray, and the pro-active approaches taken to address these concerns?