
Does colonialism in general lead to the dissolution of a

This week, in Module 5, the outline of the paper is due on the book Things Fall Apart. Refer to the lecture material and the information below for more information on constructing this document. Be sure to incorporate your ideas from Weeks 2 and 4 when composing this outline.


Submit a topic outline and a paragraph outline. You may want to use APA heading rules to help you set up and organize your outline.

Demonstrate a clear thesis and organization for the paper. As you have revised the thesis several times at this point, feel free to share your various versions of the thesis, and feel free to ask any questions about the thesis in your thesis area of the submission.

Include specific details to support the subpoints of the thesis and develop those subpoints in our paragraph plan of

topic sentence

cited evidence/examples


To develop a paragraph:

paraphrase your topic sentence;

paraphrase your cited evidence;

paraphrase your analysis of the cited material.

My thesis is:

Does colonialism in general lead to the dissolution of a certain society's culture while trying to adapt to the white man's religion? How did this affect Okonkwo?

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Dissertation: Does colonialism in general lead to the dissolution of a
Reference No:- TGS02675545

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