Internal Environment Analysis
Internal Strengths
1. Does Al Ain Dairy haveAlliances or cooperative ventures with capable partners?If yesExplain who are they and what they do.
2. What is Al Ain Dairy financial position? Provide Growth percentage and profit percentage.
3. How is Al Ain Dairy brand name image/reputation in the market?
4. How does Al Ain Dairy advertise their products? Does they have strong advertisement?
5. Does Al Ain Dairy have advanced production technology? Does they have Proprietary technology?
6. Does Al Ain Dairy have Superior Research& Development facilities?
Internal Weakness
1. Does Al Ain Dairy have a clear strategic direction?
2. Does Al Ain Dairy have a Strong or weak marketing skills?
3. Does Al Ain Dairy have narrow or wide product line?
4. Does Al Ain Dairy falling behind in Research & Development?
5. Does Al Ain Dairy Missing some key skills/competencies?
6. Does Al Ain Dairy have Higher overall costs than rivals?
7. Does Al Ain Dairy have Weak balance sheet, excess debt?
8. Does Al Ain Dairy have Internal operating problems?