
Does a female body mass index have an effect

Formulation of the Research Problem

Fitness Gymnasium is a large fitness gym in Lincoln, Nebraska. Members of Learning Team A are a part of the management team. The management team has been tasked to provide health and wellness checkups for 41 random femalegym members. The purpose of this research is to obtain an overall understanding of the female demographics of the gym. The results of this research will provide Fitness Gymnasium with enough information to create fitness programs based on the needs of its female members. Blood pressure is an important variable to consider before allowing customers to obtain gym memberships. Varying results have been observed amongst the Blood Pressure and Body Mass Index (BMI) of female gym members.

Research Question:

Does a female's Body Mass Index (BMI) have an effect on their blood pressure?

Independent Variable (IV):

The independent variable in this scenario is a female's Body Mass Index (BMI).

Dependent Variable (DV):

The dependent variable in this scenario is a female's Blood Pressure.

Hypothesis Statements:
Ho: There is no correlation between an applicant's BP (DV) and their BMI (IV).
H1: There is a correlation between an applicant's blood pressure (DV) and their BMI (IV).



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Marketing Research: Does a female body mass index have an effect
Reference No:- TGS0550639

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