i. Give an example of a communication (written or verbal) and describe how your communication fits each element of the communication model: source, message, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, context, interference.
ii. Does a communicator have a responsibility to their audience? Does the audience have a responsibility to the speaker? Explain in your own words.
iii. Give two or three specific examples of barriers to communication and describe why these are a problem.
iv. From your self-examination (preparation for identifying your audience) what did you learn about yourself as a communicator? What are some of your own biases, quirks, strengths, etc. -- and how do your personal beliefs, attitudes and values contribute to your communication with others and your expectations of them?
v. Think of a question that a business might ask, such as: "Why have sales fallen?" or "How can we improve customer service in the next year?" Identify how you would collect information using qualitative and quantitative research. Give two examples of each and explain how the difference in what you might find out from each type of research could be important to your findings.