Assume you are running a lemonade stand business in your local neighborhood with a team of workers.
Document your understanding of how processes and functions integrate in a real business by adding a brief sentence or comment to describe how each of the functions listed below might be carried out for at a lemonade stand. (Do not provide a definition of the function, rather the action taken.) Your descriptions should be relevant to a lemonade stand business, and not generic in nature.
Example: HR - Benefits might include free lemonade to employees. Br sure to come up with other benefits of your own.
Marketing and Sales Functions
Functions / Tasks Description of functions/tasks as rotated to a Lemonade Stand filnirlowl
Marketing a product
Taking sates orders
Customer support
Customer relationship management
Sales forecasting
Receipt of Payment
Supply Chain Management Functions
Functions / Tasks Description of functions/tasks as related to a Lemonade Stand Business
Purchasing goods and raw materials
Receiving goods and raw materials
Transportation and logistics
Scheduling production runs
Executing production / manufacturing
Plant maintenance