Dashboard Design Notes and Critique
This homework will be done in 2 parts.
- Part 1: Document dashboard design best practices recommendations from the readings and video lecture listed in Part 1 below.
- Part 2: Use the best practice recommendations you documented in Part 1 to critique a sample dashboard design.
Part 1.
For this part of the homework, as you review the resources listed below, create a numbered list of 9 or more dashboard design best practices - documenting the best practices in your own words.
- Video Lecture topic "6b Performance Management." (The latter part of the 6b video covers dashboard design. Viewing videos 6a and 6b may be the best place to start. They will provide you some useful background before reading the articles, as well as summarizing a lot of dashboard design best practices.)
- Chiang, A. (2011-jul-14). Special Interview with Stephen Few, Dashboard and Data Visualization Expert (interview). Dashboard Insight. Retrieved 2014-mar-22 from https://www.dashboardinsight.com/news/news-articles/interview-with-stephen-few-dashboard-design-challenges.aspx
- Few, S. (2008). With Dashboards Format and Layout Definitely Matter (white paper). Perceptual Edge. Author. PDF: https://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/Whitepapers/Formatting_and_Layout_Matter.pdf
- blog post https://www.perceptualedge.com/blog/?p=672
- evaluation of a call center dashboard https://www.perceptualedge.com/blog/?p=154
After completing your review, order your list by importance - most important (1) to least important (9). Put you ordered list of dashboard design best practices here.
Part 2.
Using what you've learned about good dashboard design from the course lecture video and readings above, examine the product performance dashboard at https://simpleprocesses.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/sap-performance-dashboards.jpg and offer your evaluation comments regarding the design of the dashboard. Not all best dashboard design best practices can be evaluated based on a visual image of the dashboard. Here, just evaluate what is visually apparent.
Put your evaluations comments here. While you can comment on any positive aspects of the design, I am primarily looking for the weaknesses. (A numbered list of comments would be best.)