Document clinical note in soap format

Assignment Task:

Looking Ahead:

Please use an adult patient. The Clinical Note should be in charting format and no longer than 3 pages, excluding a title and reference page. The Clinical Note must be written according to the guidelines provided in the assignment. You may document Clinical Note in SOAP format. Headings (left margin) should include: CC, HPI, PMH, PSH, Medications, Allergies, etc. Remember to provide evidence based rationale for your clinical decisions (at least 3 differential diagnoses, diagnostic testing, management) including citations and references. Your diagnosis/differential diagnoses do not have to pertain to the content specifically for Module 7. Your patient must be an adult patient. Clinical Note may be an acute note or comprehensive note- but no longer than 3 pages

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Other Subject: Document clinical note in soap format
Reference No:- TGS03437059

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