Attempt all the questions
Question1) (a) Define consent. When is it said to be free?
(b) Define coercion and describe the definition with appropriate examples.
Question2)(a) What is quantum meruit? Under what situation does a claim on quantum meruit arise?
(b) Explain the doctrine of supervening impossibility with examples.
Question3) (a) State the situations when dissolution of the firm take place.
(b) How and when might a partner retire? What are the right and liabilities of a partner?
Question4)(a) What are the effects of perishing of goods on a contract of sale? Explain with examples.
(b) Define consideration. What are the legal rules for valid consideration?
Question5) Describe the rights of surety against the
1. Principal Debtor,
2. Creditor and
3. Co-sureties. Illustrate your answer.