
Do your colleagues agreewhy or why not- what is the basic

Ethics report

As they say "The practice of law is not amatter of grace, but of right forone who is qualified by hislearning and his moralcharacter."

In the end of your Internship, you are required to provide an Ethics Report according to the environment of your external practice workplace.

As a guide try to answer the following questions:

1- If a person who did something morally wrong on your workplace, at least to your way of thinking as an attorney or a counselor.

- What was it?

- Did you explain it to your colleagues?

- Why you think it was wrong?

- Do your colleagues agree?Why or why not?

- What is the basic principle that forms the basis for your judgment that it was wrong?

2- If a person who did something morally right, at least to your way of thinking as an attorney or a counselor. (This is not a matter of finding something they did well, like efficiently changing a tire, but something good.)

- What was it?

- Did you explain it to your colleagues?.

- Why you think it was right?

- Do your colleagues agree?Why or why not?- What is the basic principle that forms the basis for your judgment that it was right?


- If an action by the business organization (sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation) that was legal but still strikes you as wrong.

- What was it?

- Why do you think it was wrong?


- If an act by an individual or a corporation that is ethical but not legal. Compare your answer with those of your colleagues:

- were you more likely to find an example from individual action or corporate action?

- Do you have any thoughts as to why?

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Dissertation: Do your colleagues agreewhy or why not- what is the basic
Reference No:- TGS02480421

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