In Class:
The following are the work records of 5 employees. As their manager, you have just completed their annual performance reviews, and it is time to make recommendations for their future salaries. Your department budget has $10,000 allocated for salary increases. Distribute the $10,000 among your employees based on the descriptions for each person.
John Acquin currently earns $60,000. He is a strong team player, and co-workers often ask him for assistance and advice. He is single, with a daughter in university, whom he still supports.
Jessica Simmons earns a salary of $40,000. Her annual performance review was satisfactory. Several workgroup members have spoken to you about the complexity of her job and the numerous customers she regularly deals with. They feel it is a challenging and demanding job, and she is doing her best.
Tabitha Tran earns $40,000. Her performance review rating was below average, and she seems to have difficulty with other team members. Tabitha has had a difficult time this past year. Both her parents, with whom she lived, died recently.
Simon Chan earns $40,000. His performance review rating was above average. He is respected by his co-workers and is generally considered helpful and outgoing. He is single and has no dependents.
Ray Bennett earns $60,000. His performance review rating was very high. His peers resent him because he comes from a wealthy family, and they feel he is trying to impress everyone. Ray is married, and his wife is a director at a local marketing company. They have two grown children who are self-sufficient.
• Do you think your approach to merit raises is fair? Why or Why not? What else could you do? Support your answer with course/textbook materials/information. You have cited with pg numbers.
• Be prepared to discuss your ideas with the class.
• Upload your responses to D2L.