
Do you think we are becoming so desensitized

Problem: In Joseph Wolpe's desensitization therapy, gradual exposure to a tension-provoking situation lessens the anxiety over time. We just observed the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. Do you think that we Americans have grown so accustomed to media accounts and government warnings of terrorist attacks from around the world that we have become desensitized to terrorism? Some psychologists say we will never reach the same level of emotionalism as we did after 9/11. Do you think we are becoming so desensitized that we are numb? Are we in danger of becoming apathetic and thus, at greater risk of harm? A recent news report stated we are in greater danger from individual terrorists or a small group who target "soft" sites such as schools and shopping malls. Does this make us more vulnerable? On the other side of this coin, does the fact that we become desensitized cause the "bad guys" to get even more extreme in their actions to get the same effect? Your thoughts?

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