Here is a partial list of recent school and not so recent school shootings in the United States including: Red Lake Sr. High School (Red lake, MN-2005):8 victims; Oikos University in Oakland, CA (2012) 7 victims; Virgina Tech (2007): 33 victims; Columbine High School-(Littleton, CO 1995): 15 victims; Sandy Hook Elementary (Newtown, CT-2012) 28 victims; and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Fl-2018), 18 victims, and just yesterday, May 18, 2018 at Sante Fe High School in Sante Fe, Texas-10 victims.
As a result of these shootings and many many others, President Trump has indicated that he would do everything in his power to stop it, including among other things, allowing teachers to carry weapons in the classroom. This of course would be optional (only if the teacher wanted to carry), and the teacher would have to go through firearms training and background checks, and be licensed to carry a firearm, along with other possible requirements.
Do you think this is a good or bad idea? In light of all the shottings across the country, should teachers have any business ot the added responsibility of carrying weapons into schools? Would it be better to have resource officers or retired police or military to provide security for schools? Do we need much stronger and tighter gun regulations?
yes, i know we're in Texas and this is a gun pro 2nd amendment and gun state-- I also support the 2nd amendment and the right to defend ourselves as did our founding fathers believe that as well. They are also talking about limiting entrances and exits into schools-almost like turning them into armed camps or prisons.
Is this really the future of our American school system? What are your thoughts on this? Would doing this enable a teacher to possibly save students lives in the event of an active shooter in a school?
How do we as a nation and people stop these senseless acts of murder? Kids killing innocent kids. Our children should not be afraid that they may be killed at school. What do you all believe is the answer to this problem? Most recently, neither President Bush, Obama, or Trump has been able to find a solution to this nationwide problem except to echo sympathetic words. President Trump has now had to do this five times as president already.
You must have at least three complete paragraphs (5-6 sentences minimum in each paragraph) to support each of the discussion questions (for a total of six paragraphs). Please proof your essay before you post it. The more substantive and discussion in your post the better your grade will be. Check for proper use of grammar, sentence structure, syntax, punctuation, paragraph structure etc.