
Do you think this idea will work as a business why or why

Assignment: Dragons' Den Entrepreneurship

For this assignment you must watch a recent (from season 10) episode of Dragons' Den. This show airs on regular TV on CBC Wednesdays at 8 pm but you can watch previous episodes on the CBC website (https://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/) or YouTube.

After watching a full episode of season 10, you must choose one of the episode's segments, and answer the following questions.

1) Tell me about the product/idea that is being pitched (promoted) and where the entrepreneur got the idea of his/her product.

2) Do you think this idea will work as a business? Why or why not?

3) Did the Dragons agree or disagree with you? Explain your answer.

4) Review the types of financing for small businesses/new ventures in the text (pages 82 and 83). How has the entrepreneur financed the business to date? What type of financing do the Dragons represent?

5) What is an entrepreneur? In your opinion which Dragon best fits the definition of what an entrepreneur is?

6) Describe 2 ways how technology affects this business (read supplement 3 on technology).

PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST COMPLETE TWO OF THE THREE "MINI ASSIGNMENTS as per the timelines outlined on the weekly topic outline/schedule. Failure to do so will result in zero for these evaluations.


1. Clearly number and answer all questions in grammatical correct sentences (you will lose marks if it is not).

2. Clearly identify the episode you watched (include both the season and episode numbers, and provide the URL) as well as your full name, student ID number and your section of BAM 101 on the top left corner of both of these copies. .

3. You are going to submit this assignment TWO ways! First, you are to bring a hard copy of your assignment to class on the date it is due (at the beginning of class!) to give to me. You must also submit an electronic copy of the assignment on Safe Assign (this is found on blackboard). On this (electric) copy make sure you include the URL for this episode so I can easily access it if I need to. As per the previous assignments I do NOT mark assignments that are not posted on Safe Assign.

Reference Format:

Title of episode and details (season number, date aired).

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Business Management: Do you think this idea will work as a business why or why
Reference No:- TGS01647299

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