
Do you think they benefit the victim or serve the purpose

Need in text citations and references, just answer the question completely, professor is a stickler. APA format

1. What is your opinion about victim witness programs that are run out of the prosecutor's office?

Do you think they benefit the victim or serve the purpose of managing victims so they are more willing to testify and cooperate with prosecution?

2. Diversion is commonly used for first time domestic violence offenders. It is usually set forth in a plea bargain, giving the abuser the opportunity to have the charges dismissed if he/she completes an abuser treatment program.

What is your opinion about the use of diversion in D.V. cases? Does domestic violence abuser treatment work?

3. Jackson Katz: Violence against women-it's a men's issue.(YouTube Video)

What does "everyone needs to unite" mean?

List at least two ways it can be accomplished and explain why it will work.

List two things you would recommend that would enhance a more collaborate relationship between prosecutors and police in domestic violence cases.

4. When a domestic violence victim refuses to cooperate in prosecution and the court process, including failing to report to court when subpoenaed, should they be arrested and charged for violating a court order?

Should prosecutors force the victim to testify?

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Dissertation: Do you think they benefit the victim or serve the purpose
Reference No:- TGS02521478

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