
Do you think the story was pitched to the media

Problem: Write a one-page report

Select a piece of current trending news or stories from the media. These may be from a print source, or broadcast media may cover them. They must be a piece of trending news or story that appears in a legitimate news media source (not Facebook, Instagram, etc...). It might be from the online version of a major newspaper, cable news, or other news outlet.

a) The story you select will be a business story that mentions a specific business/company. Write a one-page report that includes the name of the media outlet the story appeared in, the date the story appeared or was broadcast, and when possible, a link to the original story. Remember it has to be a recent story demonstrating that you are following the news (within the past 3 weeks till date). Then, your report will include:

  • A very concise description of the story (in one to three sentences)
  • What news criteria the story meets (is the news's impact positive or negative? Is it a piece of seasonable news or story? Is it a trending news or story?)
  • Do you think the story was pitched to the media or Is it a result of a reporter pursuing the business for the news; basically, can you determine how the story got this coverage?
  • Do you think the story would have a positive, negative, or neutral impact on the named business?

b) A sharp media relations employee is always watching the media for trends, for opportunities to take advantage of public interest in a topic that could be related to their client, business, or organization's interests.

To conclude this one-page report:

With the story you have chosen, describe what other businesses might use this as a hook to pitch another story to the media. You are looking for trends to act on and generate media interest for your organization, business, or client. What other businesses are affected and how could we pitch on their behalf to get media coverage?

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Other Management: Do you think the story was pitched to the media
Reference No:- TGS03367134

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