
Do you think the same words would be said face-to-face have


Explore archives of an e-mail or message board e-discussion group. Find an example of hostility or flaming.

• Do you think the same words would be said face-to-face?
• Have you ever had anyone spread rumors about you or someone you know online?
• Do you/they have any recourse? Are these online lies more dangerous than the one circulated face-to-face?
• How do you respond to confrontational messages, particularly in the work environment, so that will not come back to haunt you?
• RESPOND TO 2 CLASS MATES BY FRIDAY NIGHT DUE DATE. Use standard formal English in posts.


Flaming is when people exchange hostile or insulting remarks. Flaming can create problems in e-mail conversations and can be destructive to the group climate. Some people seem more willing to discuss controversial ideas online than face-to-face, thus resulting in some serious conflicts. Some people may not realize their words are perceived as attacking the person instead of the idea. Also, some participants seem so emotionally involved in conversation on the Internet that they react more strongly than they would in a typical face-to-face situation. Sometimes trolls-people who make outrageous comments-act as pranksters to disrupt the group, gain attention, or make new individuals feel clueless. Others may use flaming as a control strategy when seeking group leadership.

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Dissertation: Do you think the same words would be said face-to-face have
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