Module SLP
By submitting this assignment, you affirm that it contains all original work, and that you are familiar with Trident University's Academic Integrity policy in the Trident Policy Handbook. You affirm that you have not engaged in direct duplication, copy/pasting, sharing assignments, collaboration with others, contract cheating and/or obtaining answers online, paraphrasing, or submitting/facilitating the submission of prior work. Work found to be unoriginal and In violation of this policy is subject to consequences such as a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in the course, and/or elevated academic sanctions. You affirm that the assignment was completed Individually, and all work presented is your own.
The assignment this week is to collect quantitative data for a minimum of 10 days from ONE of your daily activities. Some examples of data collection include
- The number of minutes you spend studying every day
- The time it takes to cook meals each day
- The amount of daily time spent talking on the phone
- The amount of time you drive each day.
The data will constitute a sample of your daily activity In a paper (1- to 3-page typed Word document), describe the data you are going to collect and how you are going to keep track of the time. Within the paper, incorporate the concepts we are learning in the module, including (but not limited to) probability theory. independent and dependentianables_and theoretical and experimental probability. Discuss your predictions of what you anticipate the data to look like and events that can skew the data.
Collect data for at least 10 days. Include at least 3-5 days of data with your SLP 1 submission. Continuo collecting data for the remaining days for use in SLP 2. Do you think the data will provide a valid representation of these activities? Explain why or why not