
Do you think that this theory can globally explain mental

1- Vulnerability -Stress Model it says that abnormal disorders develop in an individual because the individual carries vulnerability to the disorder(usually biological or psychological) and is confronted with social stresses. This model can be used to explain many mental issues such as depression. Do you think that this theory can globally explain mental illnesses or is useful in only limited cased? Why or why not?

2- One might say that adaptive behaviors are those behaviors that allow us to manage and change in order to meet the demands of our environment. For example, emotion utilization and emotion regulation affect individual and social functioning across social economic and cultural populations. I think we can all see for the most part when a behavior is adaptive or maladaptive. But what makes a behavior fit into a mental illness. For example, perhaps someone likes to eat a great deal of chocolate. This could be thought of as maladaptive as the person may be getting too many calories and if he or she is not eating the right nutrients they could be in for some major health issues. Is this then a maladaptive behavior that could be considered a mental illness. Why or why not?

3- According to a diathesis-stress model of mental illness, someone may have a preexisting diathesis (e.g., genetic make-up, personality style, thought patterns) that makes them more susceptible to certain stressors (Nolen-Hoeksema, 2014). How strong of a role do genetics play in the probability of developing a mental disorder like depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia?

4- Many are comfortable with theories that suggest that our thoughts and beliefs shape our behaviors and the emotions we experience. I like this approach because I know that some times what we think about something can affect how we act. I think cognitive therapy is a great way to help someone with social anxiety if it is due to the fact that the client thinks everyone is watching them or that everyone doesn't like them. It can help with some forms of depression if that depression is due to the negative thoughts the client is having. Do you think that cognitive therapy has any limitations to treating mental issues?

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Dissertation: Do you think that this theory can globally explain mental
Reference No:- TGS02339427

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