I am taking sociology and my book is social problems "a down to earth approach".
I need assistance with these questions from my Sociology class. I know that there are three essential conditions of war cultural tradition, incomaptible objectives and sparks that causes nations to engage in war. I also know war has been common throughout history. I believe the United States may engage for political reasons, or fear of being targeted,or we are just agressive. I am not sure why and after reading my text "Social problems a down to earth approach 10th edition" it is still not clear as to how to begin this one page essay. However, I need assistance thinking about these questions with sources:
Part 1
Do you think that the United States has the right to intervene in another country to protect our economic or political interests? Under what conditions is intervention justified.
Part 2.
Do you think that other countries have the right to intervene in the United States to protect their economic or political interest? Under what conditions is intervention justified? Explain
part 3