
Do you think that educational institutions such as


Short writing assignments must be no less than two hundred (200) of your own words.

This means that quotations do not count against the two hundred words. I will not even read assignments shorter than the required minimum of 200 words (I use a program to monitor word-count) and you will automatically receive zero (0) points for any such assignments.

I expect a professionally written essay that is well formulated, without spelling and grammatical errors. I will deduct points for sloppily written essays (see the rubric below). In your essay you should address the question posed directly and thoroughly. You do not need to waste too much space on background unless the question of the essay specifically demands such background.


Do you think that educational institutions such as universities and colleges should adopt a speech-codethat regulates hate speech? Do you think that such a code is compatible with the moral right to free speech?

Your answer should take the shape of an argument that addresses all three layers of the problem discussed in my class notes as well as the arguments presented in the essays by Arthur and Altman.

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Dissertation: Do you think that educational institutions such as
Reference No:- TGS02940619

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